Quality and renewal 2024
Faculty of science and technology
Uppsala university
Quality and Renewal 2024 (KoF24)
Faculty of Science and Technology
Uppsala, October 1 – October 4, 2024
Uppsala University was founded in 1477 and is a strong, comprehensive research university ranked among the best in the world. The Faculty of Science and Technology is one of Sweden’s most complete faculty with a unique range of subjects in science and technology.
KoF24 is the fourth in a series of research evaluations undertaken at the University’s own initiative. The faculty level evaluation focus on the quality and development of research environments, collaboration with the surrounding community, recruitment, career paths and career support and links between research and education.
Faculty support
Travel and accommodation
Academic Conferences - the conference administration office
Phone: +46 18 67 10 03
E-mail: KoF2024@akademikonferens.se